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Dukatia Version 0.20.1 Changelog

Published on 2024-07-07; Last edited on 2024-07-07

Tags: Dukatia

Contact me at [email protected]

Well hello! This is something new I'm trying to do now for every Dukatia version I release: A blog post talking more in depth about the changes.
Version 0.20.1 is just a minor patch release containing a couple of fixes, mostly around UI problems in the frontend.
Dukatia is now moving closer to the 1.0.0 release, so I'm mostly just tying up loose ends. The next release is going to be 0.21.0 which will turn into 1.0.0, according to my current plan at least.


Updating to this new release should be as simple as pulling the new docker images, if you are using the main tag.


All the issues closed can be found on Github in the 0.20.1 milestone.


There was one enhancement:

Bug fixes

I fixed quite a few small bugs, mostly around UI issues in the frontend:

I want to thank @bengiv for reporting some of these.

Road to 1.0.0

This release marked another important step towards the release of version 1.0.0 which will hopefully happen in July or August this year. Apart from polishing Dukatia itself, there is also another important thing that needs to be done: The Dukatia website. You can try out the current beta version of the site here.
The main thing I'm still working on over there is the documentation, which isn't the most fun thing in the world to create. However, going through the project from the angle of writing documentation also uncovered some inconsistencies. So it is definitely helpful, even at increasing the code and API quality.